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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST

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nationwide action in egypt with. protesters in cairo keeping pressure on the president to cancel his power grabbing decree clashes with police reportedly leave one protester dead. after years of uncertainty palestinians could finally find out what killed their leader yasser arafat his grave has been opened so scientists can dig for clues about whether he was poisoned. also explosive politics the former u.k. defense minister says dropping a neutron bomb could bring peace to one of the world's most troubled regions. and another default averted the. cash for greece more payouts in exchange for.
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on air online live from the new center here in moscow this is. international teams of medics are hoping to dispel the controversy surrounding the death of iconic palestinian leader yasser arafat eight years ago his body was so they could take tissue samples for the investigation into allegations that arafat may have been poisoned his remains of now being buried in the middle east correspondent paula has more. chouse day the body of the former palestinian leader yasser arafat was removed from it's more than where it's been for the better part of eight years since he died back in two thousand and four and since that time the question has never been on said to him exactly what exactly killed our five most palestinians
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believe that israel was behind his killing although israel has repeatedly and consistently denied this at the time of his did they was radioactive material that was found on his clothing what we witnessing now is an investigation that is seeing a team of international investigators take samples of these tissues they will then lead any case to gauge in various countries around the world will be told that it will take several months but then hopefully once and for all there will be an answer to the question as to what exactly killed the former palestinian leader when we talk about the death of yasser arafat is a lot of behind the scenes political maneuvering and repeatedly experts and critics and media analysts have pointed out that the old jews there were network has been at the forefront of investigating what killed yasser arafat in fact they have spearheaded this whole investigation back in july they released a documentary that was entitled what killed our fight now of course al jazeera is backed by qatar and qatar has made no bones of the fact that it's desperate to see
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some kind of changes within the p.a. qatar would like to see the palestinian president mahmoud abbas pushed away from power and for more radical elements to come to power not only in gaza but also in the west bank and most notably here we're talking about hamas this would hope we could tarries meet their goals particularly in syria where for quite some time they have been pushing for regime change which was also witnessed a growing together in terms of relationship between the qatar and how much let me just remind you that some two hundred and fifty million dollars were recently pledged by qatar to hamas to help palestinians in the gaza strip to rebuild their homes and their infrastructure off to the operation. car flared now what we also know is that israel stands to lose from all of this of course israel has been alarmed by the close close relationship between harassed as well as saudi arabia qatar and mohamed morsi there they coming closer together and expressing more vocal
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anti israel sentiment so there's a lot happening behind the scenes we're not just talking about the extermination of yasser arafat's body but we're talking about a much longer deeper ramifications. paullus live the current palestinian leadership submitted a draft resolution to the un general assembly in order to receive normal member observer status and if the bid is approved the palestinians would have more of a chance of taking legal action against israel so believes journalist james corbett . if they are successful in this bid then they will actually be able to bring the israeli government before the international criminal court to answer that for charges of war crimes etc and it is conceivable at least that they would be able to bring a case if it was proven that arafat was killed by israeli agents that they would be able to bring the case before the international criminal court on that ground if they do manage to get this this nonmember status upgrade but but again that's a that's a political long shot in a number of regards and whether or not the international criminal court would even
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be interested in hearing about the case is another matter entirely the vast majority of palestinians have always assumed that israel assassinated arafat if this goes on to confirm that it kind of throws in the face of the palestinians their helplessness in a situation like this and this was underscored actually just earlier this month when israel came out and for the first time military censors allowed information about the killing of. co-founder not just to yasser arafat but also khaleel al with here was a co-founder of fatah he was assassinated by israel in one nine hundred eighty eight and for twenty five years basically there's been a secrecy over the killing and finally just the earlier this month israel has cleared that and the actual interviews with the commandos who killed carried out that assassination have been published. the full weight u.k. defense minister has come up with an extreme way to curb violence in afghanistan and pakistan he wants to drop a new crop of bomb on the country's border. has been following the story joins me
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live in london so tell us more about this man part he's a lot isn't he. he has a lot and quite the gaffer has come out with a not one you'd expect from someone who's had such high government positions in the past this lord gilbert he was a defense minister under tony blair he was a member of the security and intelligence committee said privy to a lot of information sort of an expert in the defense field and he'd think he'd come up with some rather more constructive suggestions than what he's come up with bill but that's clearly not the case what has he come up with what did he propose exactly well or kill but quite literally suggested threatening to drop a neutron bomb on the pakistani afghan border in order to crack down on terrorism in the region now a neutron bomb is a thermonuclear weapon is designed to kill everybody in its wake and but it will leave physical structures intact so that's his bizarre suggestion and it was made
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during a debate in the house of lords during none of that it was a debate on the topic wait for it nuclear disarmament let's take a lesson. up in the mountains of the borders with afghanistan you saw those we live in there except if you go and you can see them if you told that they were going to be some be warheads. there's a place to go they would go there and you would greatly reduce your problems of those borders for information from one side or another. actually praise nuclear weapons for creating peace in the past and now he's proposing to use one. yes it is bizarre bill and of course as you just heard him say he's talking about a cord on santa's tab that could effectively be created by. this threat of
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a nuclear attack on this remote mountainous region where according to lord hill but nobody lives upon from a few goats and the herders so rather a bizarre idea and a very dangerous one just told was his proposal received funding well as you can expect there's such a crime that it's been condemned by everybody in the house of lords of course the government spokesman in the house of lords is very quickly said that lord gilbert's rumbustious view isn't shared by the government on this topic a lot of people quite angry that he's come out and said this and of course everyone even outside of politics have heard all of this comment that he's made a saying that this is really the kind of thing that makes a mockery out of the british establishment understanding of the problems in the very sensitive problems in the region and a mockery of the house of lords ultimately police thanks for that. in london.
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police are on high alert as nationalists threaten roy its we report live from the heart of moscow about why a case involving a dead student and a mixed martial arts fighter may spill into violence but also syrian rebels give a helping hand from france's pledge to send a donation to more than one and a half million dollars despite criticism that could fuel violence those stories after a short break this is all to live here in moscow. well we're not actually going to that break now because we can now go live to cairo nationwide protests have kicked off in egypt thousands gathering in tahrir square to oppose president morsi decree morsi made himself and the islamist dominated upper house of parliament immune to any kind of oversight including from the courts well let's hear now from freelance reporter phil true she is there in cairo true tell us what's going on at the moment just how big are the protests there.
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sorry about that we seem to have a communication problem bell can you hear me now it's bill here in moscow. because if we have to leave that for the moment was. true. no she can't hear us so we'll leave that for the moment and we'll see if we can get back to bell after the break this is our live in moscow that break is coming up now. waves of corruption are rocking in russia hundreds of millions of dollars vanished for apec building projects and russia's got enough satellite project a real estate scandal has also led to the defense minister being fired note i said fired in russia we hear
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a lot about corruption scandals and the reaction is usually a firing or forced resignation and maybe that would be ok another country but russia has big dreams in a big country that has big corruption spoiling all of those dreams a country can't survive with every infrastructural or scientific project is sucked dry from within whether the government is unwilling or unable to sternly punish these offenders is a huge topic by could tell you that if there's no real fear of punishment this will just keep going on for ever perhaps it's time to put a big asterisk for high level corruption next to the moratorium on the death penalty but that's just my opinion.
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which brightened. soon from fans to christians. who threw stones on t.v. . it was not the military we have now today signed a new contract with the unit of the huge contract. it was not the operation to secure and rebuild the devastated country caliber company taxpayers for its contract work in iraq. it was the campaign for making billions of dollars for other responsible and ordered bills exceed one billion dollars iraq for sale. or profiteers. after three years of trial and error the euro zone's finance ministers say they've
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now found the key to saving greece aside from agreeing to hand over more bailout cash the e.u. also vowed to ease up on loan conditions that is so long as athens keeps pushing more sturdy but economist. says he doesn't expect any good to come from this new deal. could we see a disease that you would be if very negative therefore a greek get people just for a visit is one no one with the exception of government. healing for this music you know we normally. in the next months and the next to you. you it's. rare it damon says now in the last three years to the day. that. this will be their last. we hear of it being now one of them three. receipts in their last year to sit so
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you're going to get a stab at that. in america man. after recent austerity clashes in southern europe trouble has moved to brussels where the european parliament itself has come under siege and angry and for profits thousands of farmers rigged up a milk cannon and sprayed the seat of european power and the ranks of right cops with it being tons of mill police reaction and more on line. so that prisoners occupy a part of the compound of the russian urals demanding an improvement in standards of the release of some inmates held in solitary confinement. france has become one of the main sponsors of the syrian revolution giving more than one and a half million dollars to the newly formed opposition coalition that the nation is being criticized amid concerns the body does not have enough authority among even the country's population professor paul sheldon foote thinks money will prompt only more fighting in syria. brandt's major interest would be to continue with sorensen
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armaments throughout the world the third industry but it. really cured serve justice it didn't cure in the case of libya or they were close to her going to happen if they didn't really care who took over afterwards the. problem or thing the so-called syrian opposition leaders that they are not united the only thing unites them they would like to remove the current government they come from a very wide range of. religious viewpoints. viewpoints nick origins are. never one to succeed in syria they were not be able to come together and they would be in no round of fighting to determine who. dominate all the other groups. russia has condemned what it calls france's illegal decision to allocate money to the syrian national council saying it shouldn't enable regime change we've got all the details as well as moscow's view on how the
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crisis should be resolved online at r.t. dot com. well back to one of our top stories now this and they said why protests have kicked off in egypt thousands gathering in caro's tahrir square to oppose president morsi latest decree morsi made himself and the islamist dominated upper house of parliament immune to any kind of oversight including from the courts let's hear now from freelance reporter fell through she is in cairo and i trust now that she can actually hear isbell tell us under the law and noise going on behind you what is happening there at the moment where you are just how big are these protests. right now as you can probably see behind me there's several hundred thousand people on here to protest that people are saying one of the largest states seen really in most of the year that people are chanting against him is him brother hates and people are trying to against this very contentious kinds to select aeration which as you stated. or did the president's sweeping powers we've also
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seen protests across the country in different governorates against this constitute a concession that duration as well as different sectors of society we had protests a march today by the journalists in the case who have joined us in korea in addition judges themselves states of protest and lawyers so really we've seen protests across the country against this document in addition to have been smaller but still present protests in support of the president and his decree largely headed up by the embassy by the head and islamist parties not to stand offish calling and just ultra conservative orthodox the islamic group asking alexandria to really today's been a very busy day as you say a significant turnout of protests is there what about the president all the muslim brotherhood any reaction from then. the president announced yesterday off to having crisis talks with the judiciary that said he would stand by his
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constitutional declaration wouldn't step down he said that it wasn't an impingement on judicial authority or that he failed to actually give any reasons why not is the case the muslim brotherhood were supposed to hold the process today interest which they then moved outside of the square because their fears of bloodshed went pro and anti brotherhood supporters meant they actually ended up canceling not because of pressure from people saying that they really would be a lot of violence on the streets of the brotherhood came down to this is really the only reaction we've seen from the presidential office and he said during their missing brotherhood's what about your experience finally bill what's it like to be there what's it like to be out in the streets of the moment what is the feeling amongst the people. is it divided feeling i mean is point to is actually on the square at the moment i think people are really feeling the finally the opposition forces are actually united states they've been the main to criticism from the islamist forces or from the muslim brotherhood. i'm towards the opposition forces
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has been that they are divided in a constant to rally around one main focus but really here in this crowd we're seeing all kinds of groups joining feeding different sects is said this is a fair amount of joy in addition to sadness we have still had clashes on the corner of the square biomimicry mosque which resulted in the death of a young protester a man in his twenty's who hails from one of the opposition forces behind today's protests people are also very angry so we're seeing mixed emotions of happiness of a few people being united the sadness about pass the test citizen the last few days anderson and you get towards the president who is really supposed to be seen as the you know the first post revolution president egypt's hands democratically elected he's really let the people down in their opinion though thanks very much indeed for that true car a base journalist with a live update there from egypt thank you. moscow police on high alert
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authorities are apparently bracing for nationalists riots over the sentencing of a mixed martial arts champion who calls the death of a student in a fight hotties we see coming off explains from the heart of the russian capital. and m.m.a. champion by the name of for us still if was found guilty in a russian imports of reckless homicide or killing a club patron with one punch but he was released from court today after serving about fifteen months in detention this is has sparked some concerns about potential race riots because the m m a champion in question was from the russian republic of dagestan in north carcasses and this case is quite similar to a different case back in twenty ten that had sparked massive race riots all across russia and pleading right here in many years now bush should wear it which is where we're standing where thousands of russian nationalists had gathered clashed with police there were massive arrests as well as people who had been hospitalized and
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after there was the release of from court today russian nationalists leaders have promised in effect to create. a two point zero another sort of clash over over this racial issue of course as you can see behind me things are quite calm police are certainly on high alert but it doesn't look like there's going to be anything approaching the kinds of violence the kind of ethnic violence that we had seen back when those clashes took place now i have had to use his martial arts skills to as effectively deliver one very strong punch that had knocked out the nineteen year old student who had fallen to the ground received a concussion and ends up dying three days later and now the judge had found that the punch actually only affected the soft tissues of the nineteen year old that the punch with itself is not what killed a young student which is why i was released from court. washington is helping libya improve its minute tree the revolution told countries reportedly
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hosting hundreds of u.s. soldiers who are training the new libyan army. reports on what america is so happy to help. the pentagon's new outlook forget about full scale invasion is and large footprint occupations instead think of special ops and fluffy armies next destination libya the obama administration has received congressional approval to allocate money for a special unit reportedly made up of some five hundred people who will train the country's forces according to one libyan militia commander a team of americans is already in the country looking for recruits a major obstacle in their way a vastly divided society there isn't an army and o.b.l. and the army is not going to be because whenever you try and get militias which have a legion says to a variety of rays of things than the national interest so they have the legions to drive or to a second or to
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a religion rather than having allegiance to the nation or to the country you cannot build an army but with training and aide felipe bia the u.s. may have more pragmatic goals then uniting the army you were just teaching them the best way to fight this war training is interesting because it's really about not so much about you know teaching people how to use rifles and how to use new equipment it's all about really what indoctrination make up any age one of the children the u.s. uses and as you know very successfully. to ensure that the elites in the countries concerned stay loyal to the u.s. . a lot in terms of foreign policy to stay loyal to them in terms of opening their economies up. to u.s. multinationals will be and will be very important. and for the united states and yes it will start buying american arms and substantial qualities liers lots and lots of money to spend according to the state department this year along the u.s.
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spent six point three billion dollars financing foreign armies it argues investing in foreign militaries helps build. better alliances and further american interests abroad from the point of view of the u.s. government of course it's very useful they have other countries militaries integrated into the us they get the training then they get the equipment they get the arms it's the full package the idea of proxy armies is not new to the various track record of training foreign armies has hardly been flawless you have the school of americas for instance which is trained all the the armies that became the torturers of latin america that started after world war two i would say the training troops is especially in the middle east in the case of iraq or in afghanistan something of a catastrophe it's premised on a fantasy that if the u.s. buys the uniforms gives them the guns provides them the training that somehow these will be reliable forces you can see in the case of afghanistan the governments are united the governments are partners but the afghan troops don't consider the
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americans to be their friends in fact they consider them to be cultural aliens who are occupying their country more than fifty coalition troops were killed this year alone by members of the afghan security forces or it is out that the obama administration wants to leave around ten thousand troops in afghanistan to continue to train afghan forces and carry out special operations after twenty four teeth when according to the obama administration american forces are supposed to have completely left the country the afghan government has less than two years to agree or reject the idea the u.s. government may be looking at training armies abroad is a smart investment sort of like outsourcing makes sense in business it's cheaper than having u.s. troops on the ground no need to explain dead troops coming home makes sense from a lot of perspectives but that strategy has backfired more than once in the past eliminating populations that didn't want to see their military become a student of washington's wars in washington i'm gonna check out. well that's where
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is the moment here and i'll be back with more news from thirty five minutes from now in the meantime here with the cause report that's after a short. stay with us for the. download the official ati application to myself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's l.t.v. is not required to watch our two all you need is your mobile device to watch our team any time any.
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parents versus social workers docu nabbing pm laptop get any nearer than many children have become prizes to fight full why does the law threaten families of the social for it is in the film of the her right of your home anymore the finger they have any kind of for suspicion about the world more from the off your children are often a just better at bringing up kids than their own mom and dad in from what we have an industry that is so. concentrated on the other for trade children. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tired hard welcome to the big picture.
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oh yes first by water then by fire the paper apocalypse is upon us i told you the first three weeks ago i told robert chalmers in the independent quote i came to london because here gives you a front row seat on the imminent collapse of the entire city today the u.k.'s leading financial magazine money week says and i quote britain is about to be
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flattened by a tidal wave of do it that will see the end of britain were on the bleeding edge we're on the cutting edge we'll tell you first stacey. yes the racks well one week magazine has basically a pitch out there to sell some of their subscriptions to their magazine so some people discount this because of that but the end of britain the downward slide has begun britain is about to be flattened by a tidal wave of debt it doesn't matter if you vote conservative liberal labor ukip or for no party at all the facts are the facts that's the most important thing that that can't be repaid will be repaid. you know in this country they brought in something called austerity and during that period the debts sharply increased and what the money went magazine is pointing out is that the country is now vulnerable to the slightest up take and interest rates and with interest rates straining at a three hundred.


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